Do not miss GENNET Livestream in English - March 5, 2025, from 17:00 (Czech time)!
Dear patients, We would like to inform you about our operating hours during the Christmas holidays from 22nd of December 2024, to 4th of January 2025.
The Centre of Medical Genetics and Reproductive Medicine, GENNET, a proud member of the FutureLife group, successfully hosted The Prague Spring Symposium 2024 on…
Watch the record of the Livestream with IVF specialist Dr. Liya Megrelishvili and coordinator Barbora Valentová who introduced news from our clinic.
Are you longing for a baby, and still no luck? Take advantage of our Christmas dates for a free consultation and step into 2024 with new hope for a complete family.…
Watch the record of the Livestream with IVF specialist Dr. Karolína Adamcová and coordinator Karolína Hejzlarová who introduced news from our clinic and covered the…
Dear patients, We would like to inform you about our operating hours during the Christmas holidays from December 24, 2023, to January 2, 2024.
We have prepared a new genetic testing package to increase your chances for successfull conception.
We are now offering patients the GERT - GENNET Endometrial Receptivity Test, which we have developed in our laboratories.
The GENNET clinic is part of the Future Life group operating in numerous European countries. This allows our Irish patients to profit from an exclusive partnership with Reproscan Ireland.
Advances in the field of assisted reproduction are very fast and new methods and approaches that keep treatment rates high are emerging every day. Since we are often asked about which advanced methods of sperm selection we offer at our clinic and the differences between them, we asked the Head of IVF Laboratories - Ing. Radomír Křen, Ph.D., to introduce these methods in detail, within the historical context.
Dear clients, we are the only assisted reproduction centre in the Czech Republic that has at its disposal a revolutionary incubator with time-lapse imaging Embryoscope + equipped with IDAScore software.